Film Location : Indonesia
Genre : Comedy
Director : Lakonde
Script Writer : Hilman Mutasi, Away Martianto
Producer : Chand Parwez Servia
Production Company : Hanung Bramantyo and Starvision
Duration : -
Official Website :
Release Date : 7 Mei 2009
SELASIH, better known as ASIH (Luna Maya), is a beautiful newcomer, came to Pulo Bantal, an area in the outskirts of Jakarta. Her tuneful voice, beautiful face and sexy body to make all men and young boys fall in love with Asih, including FADLI (Esa Sigit) and RADJA (Rifat Sungkar). Asih join the music group DODIRAMA Band, led by PAK DODI (Ringgo Agus Rahman). Because rarely interact and live alone, without partner, so much news that Asih is Janda Kembang.
During the Head of Regional Elections (PILKADA), Dodirama Band often receive bids show, and the appearance always success. But the performance of Asih above or beyond the stage, often making irritated and annoyed many wifes, because the husband so forget herself. This is especially felt by YULI NADA (Sarah Sechan), wife of Pak Dodi, who also is a singer at DODIRAMA Band. Yuli now feel threatened its position in the household and the Band.
Luna Maya on Janda Kembang wallpaper
Selasih push the situation, because people assume Selasih is a prostitute girl, a bitch girl, and so forth. The situation becomes hot, a lot of jealous wife who want to banish Asih from Pulo Bantal. Can Asih against their anarchist action?This tragic drama film, followed by Comedy-Satire through eyes, words, hearts, and two teenage lust shock, Fadli and Radja in adolescence. Film Janda Kembang also supported by Edric Candra Extravaganza, Joshua Pandelaki, Sita Nursanti and Joe P Project. Watch FILM JANDA KEMBANG movie in cinemas starting May 7 2009, and get a CD and cassettes at your nearby stores.
Ringgo Agus Rahman as Pak Dodi
Luna Maya as Asih
Sarah Sechan as Yuli Nada
Esa Sigit as Fadli
Rifat Sungkar as Radja
Edric Tjandra Extravaganza
Joshua Pandelaki
Joe P. Project
Sita Nursanti